Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, Planning an evaluation stages?


Link: https://docs.google.com/a/salisbury6c.ac.uk/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRAW-PxKvhjnF3VOfL_wdc-GZx97fBp8fvMGDbcgiXXJw8j6yrwdPCw7-Jm1qbm-krGk_vy2DNLpxu8/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=10000

Ancillary Digipak Building: Post 4 part 1

The next thing for me to do was to start working on the inside of the digipak. I wanted it to relates to the music video so I took one of the scenes from our music video and applied it to the digipak.

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Using the tools from Photoshop, I altered the colours and hues of the photo using the Hue/Saturation tool:

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Then using the digipak as my guide once again, I managed to use this to my advantage for the information of each song including other information of the copyrights, websites, addresses and publishing details.

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For me, using this format made it easier for me to apply the right information I needed in the right order by the example of another digipak. This included: Phone numbers, websites, emails, addresses and information about the artists and composers with the instruments that they used. Having this in the digipak is useful for the view as audiences can find more information about the album and songs placed on there.



Ancillary Digipak Building: Post 4 part 2

The next few bits of finishing my digipak was the design of the disk and background. I wanted to put in the aspects that are relate with the song and music video  for correlation so audiences would pick up on this.

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For the disk, I used a shot from the music video for the design. The picture was nice but I needed the picture to correlate to the purple and pink hues in part of the music video as well as my plans for my magazine cover.

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To achieve this effect, I experimented with photoshop’s tools range from colour burn to soft light effects. After experimenting, I changes the hues and saturation unit it had the right green and purple hues to correlate with the colour palette. I think that this was a good image to use as the bright lights give as effect of the hues.


I then translated it to the disc size using the dimensions of the digipak. From there I placed it on my original digipak via clipping mask so I didn’t have to distort the image to fit it in. I wanted the phrase ‘XX’ to appear more thus correlate more with the song and music video so I blended it to the disc design.  firstly, I typed in ‘X’ on one layer and placed it roughly on top.

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Using layer style, I experimented with the fill opacity and opacity to see what percentage would blend well. After I found the appropriate setting, I placed it on the disc.  I finished off the disc by adding the Official Wxnderlost logo on the bottom as well as adding the style font of the artist and title. Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 09.22.32.png

I also followed the same process on the left inside part of the digipak as a reference to the song. I thought this was a really do design for my digipak as I find it looks quite professional and has its own personal style and theme to it.

Ancillary Digipak Building: Post 3 part 2

Furthermore, I added in further details to the back cover for authenticity. Following a guide to this, I carefully set out the information below.

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Following the guidelines of this Digipak, I managed to include real wxnderlost records information of the website, along with other information. As well as making it look authentic, it also gives off professionalism in having the information organised and to one side. The viewer would be able to see this clearly and find more information of the artist along with the record label details. On top of that, Digipaks also tend to have their record label logos so I added the official Wxnderlost records logo on there. This notifies the audience which record label it is from.

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I also included the cd cover numbers and bar code as every CD digipak has this when analysing the digipak covers.

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The overall front cover looks really good so far. The last thing I did was add a picture over the spine from the music video so it wasn’t just basic and boring tone of black.



Ancillary Digipak Building: Post 3 part 1

For the next part, I needed to start adding the features of the spine, inside details, the first 13 songs of the album as well as including the title.

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I added the first part of the song tracks songs on the back cover. As digipaks tend to have their songs listings either to the left hand side or in the centre, I decided to have mine to the left hand side so it would look organised. I also included the times of the songs to help the view know where the songs are within the track.

I then moved onto the title of the album. As the song ‘XX’ was the title of the song, I decided for it to be the main focus of the digipak thus made it for the ancillary.

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With the spine and front cover I wanted the fonts to have some similarities so I chooses the same font and style of Zapfino and Britannic bold (the same font that i also used in my magazine cover) so It correlated well.  I used red for the x as the letter represents kisses as does the song as well as the colour red relating to love in the title and colours of the main cover.